Sunday, September 30, 2007

All good things must come to an end

This blog has reached the end of the road.

I'm not really sure if I ever made it clear over here, but this blog is actually a little closet for me.

I've been a blogger for quite some time, although at first I insisted on calling my blog an eJournal. (At the time blogs were really about being very link driven things, however the term has morphed to where it now fits my definition of an eJournal.)

I reached a point where I didn't want to have everyone who read my blog worrying about me. Sure, its selfish in some ways but I just wanted some space.

I've come to the point where I don't feel a need to have this little closet anymore. So I've integrated the entries (and comments) from here into my main blog Path to Enlightened Insanity via Defacted Musings. If you like this, take a look over there. I've got four years of entries for your reading pleasure.

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